Sharing platform of understanding and issues with respect to compliance changes in Singapore and key jurisdictions (EU, US, UK) which have an impact on global trends in ESG requirements across various industries.
This Chapter aims to be a:
- Provide a platform for discussing emerging Industry issues, compliance changes, and trends in Singapore, regionally and globally that may have impact on how we advise our businesses,
- Share best practices, and in the process learn from each other.
- Organise, support or participate in educational and other networking events
- Provide Industry perspective on issues to the Government/s and other stakeholders.
- Enable learning:
- Learning resources, sharing of articles, regulatory analysis
- Publicise ESG carbon conferences
- Cross learning and collaboration with law firms
Chapter Co-Leads:
- Sim Ting
- Alex Liam
- Snigha Nahar
- Jeremy Saw