Types of membership

Corporate Memberships

Corporate Membership



Premium Corporate Membership is open to any corporation or organization which employs 3 or more persons who qualify for Ordinary Membership.


Corporate Members will enjoy additional membership privileges:

  1. Bring one (1) non-lawyer colleague. SCCA seminars could be of interest and relevance to employees who are not lawyers. Under the new Scheme, each Corporate Nominee may bring one (1) colleague to attend a seminar for free (usual fee S$50 nett per seminar). This colleague may be from any department, team or unit within the same organisation.
  2. 2 complimentary postings in the Advertise Jobs section of the SCCA website per year worth $300.
  3. Flexibility to add or change Corporate Nominees on a complimentary basis within the relevant membership period.

Membership applications are subject to the approval of the SCCA Committee. The General Committee reserves the right to approve or reject any application or renewal without ascribing any reason whatsoever.


Details                                 Amount

Premium Corporate Membership Fee          S$150.00 per member per year

(Minimum of 3 members, Minimum 2 years)

Renewal Fee                                                         S$100.00 per member per year

 (Minimum of 3 members, Minimum 2 years)

After June of Calendar year Pro-rated Fees S$12.50 per month + Admin fees

**Admin FeesS$100.00

SGD 900 / 24 months

Corporate Membership



Corporate Associate Membership is open to any corporation or organisation which employs three or more persons who qualify for Associate Membership. Each Corporate Associate Member may nominate employees who qualify for Associate Membership, as nominees of the Corporate Associate Member. The maximum number of nominees per Corporate Associate Member shall be determined by the Committee.


Corporate Associate Members will enjoy additional membership privileges:

  1. SCCA seminars could be of interest and relevance to employees who are not lawyers. Under this membership, each Corporate Associate Nominee may bring one (1) colleague to attend a seminar for free (usual fee S$50 nett per seminar). This colleague may be from any department, team or unit within the same organisation.
  2. 2complimentary postings in the Advertise Jobs section of the SCCA website per year worth $300.
  3. Flexibility to add or change Corporate Nominees on a complimentary basis within the relevant membership period.

Membership applications are subject to the approval of the SCCA Committee. The General Committee reserves the right to approve or reject any application or renewal without ascribing any reason whatsoever.


Details                                Amount

Corporate Associate Membership Fee      S$150.00 per member per year

(Minimum of 3 members, Minimum 2 years)

Renewal Fee                            S$100.00 per member per year

(Minimum of 3 members, Minimum 2 years)

After June of Calendar year Pro-rated Fees S$12.50 per month + Admin fees

**Admin FeesS$100.00

SGD 900 / 24 months

Individual Memberships

Individual Membership



  1. SCCA Toolkit: All New SCCA Members will receive a SCCA Code of Conduct e-booklet, 1-hr online ethics training (mandatory) and a free legal privilege podcast
  2. SCCA Recognition & Privilege: SCCA as the national association supports HR departments and recruiters in due diligence procedures. We help authenticate your profile as an In-house counsel with organizations and recruitment agencies around the region, giving a head start to your career
  3. Pier Counsel Project: SCCA brings a new initiative, “PIER”. The programme aims to pair young or transitioning lawyers to provide professional service for not-for-profit organisations (NGO).
  4. SCCA Newsstand – The InHouse: SCCA members get free access to legal updates via SCCA Newsstand powered by Lexology from the time you sign up.
  5. Certifications: Our Academic Programs are endorsed by industry leaders and high-profile In-house lawyers to stay updated with the global business needs.
  6. SCCA networking: Join us in our regular mixers that are being organised both online and offline, as we strive to connect more of our in-house together, including through our industry and general chapters!
  7. Job Posting: 1x free job posting for associate members, 3x for ordinary members and up to 5x for members with Premium Corporate/Associate Membership.
  8. Preferential rate at LawNet: SCCA Members get significant preferential rate if you sign up to Lawnet, more details on subscriptions and pricing can be found here.

SCCA Partner Benefits

  1. 30 Minutes of Courtesy Advice -  Meritas, the world’s premier legal network, offers SCCA members 30-minutes of *courtesy advice. SCCA utilize this opportunity and connect with our lawyers in over 250 markets worldwide.
  2. Legal Privilege Training Podcast - SCCA members receive an exclusive Legal Privilege Training Podcast by Providence Law ASIA. For more information drop us an email at secretariat@scca.org.sg
  3. Code of Ethics Training - SCCA members receive an exclusive Code of Ethics Training Video by Allen & Gledhill. For more information drop us an email at secretariat@scca.org.sg


  1. All corporate and in-house legal counsel in Singapore, including legal counsel seconded full time to corporations or other organizations as corporate or in-house legal counsel, working in government or public institutions or engaged in compliance or intellectual property right activities;
  2. All corporate and in-house legal counsel in the Asia-Pacific Region;
  3. All corporate and in-house legal counsel elsewhere in the world who possess, in the opinion of the Committee, a connection to Singapore, whether in the form of having had past employment in Singapore, having their present employers' headquarters or other operations in Singapore or having resident status in Singapore; and
  4. Honorary Membership is open to any person who, in the opinion of the Committee, has achieved a high standing in the in-house legal community in Singapore and/or elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific Region.


Details                   Amount

First time fee       S$200.00 (S$150.00 + S$50 [Admin fee] )

Renewal Fee              S$150.00

After June of Calendar year Pro-rated Fees S$12.50 per month + Admin fees

**Admin FeesS$50.00

SGD 150 / 12 months

Individual Membership



Members of the academic staff of the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore, or the School of Law, Singapore Management University or any other faculty or school of law approved by the Committee:

  1. Lecturers and tutors in law in any faculty or school in the National University of Singapore, Singapore Management University, or Nanyang Technological University, or any other institution of higher learning in Singapore, including polytechnics
  2. Alumni members of the Association
  3. Practising lawyers who are company secretaries, who in the opinion of the Committee, can contribute to the work of the Association; and
  4. Such other persons engaged in the provision of legal, contract management/administration, compliance, or corporate secretarial services or other related activities, as the Committee may in its absolute discretion deem appropriate.
SGD 150 / 12 months

Individual Membership

Student Associate Membership

Student Associate Membership

Students pursuing a course of study in law in institutions of higher learning, including universities and polytechnics.

Membership applications are subject to the approval of the SCCA Committee. The General Committee reserves the right to approve or reject any application or renewal without ascribing any reason whatsoever.


Details                                 Amount

Student Associate Membership Fee     $50.00 per member

Renewal Fee                           $50.00 per member

After June of Calendar year$10 per month + Admin Fees

**Admin Fees$10.00

SGD 50 / 12 months